Liquid Education: Coffee

From bean to the perfect brew
By Jason Scheltus


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About Liquid Education: Coffee

Do you love a good brew but don’t know your robusta from your arabica? Do you wish you could explain the benefits of drip coffee over French press? Maybe you just want to make a damn good cup of coffee at home. Liquid Education: Coffee will school you on everything from growing conditions, bean varieties, picking, drying and roasting to extraction and brewing, milk selection and drink types.

This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the multitude of beans, blends and equipment available to make your way to the perfect cup.

Book details

Publication date
October 2016 (USUK)
185 mm × 160 mm
128 pages

About the author

Jason Scheltus is director and co-founder of specialty coffee company Market Lane Coffee in Melbourne, Australia. Jason has judged international coffee competitions and regularly travels the world meeting producers, always on the search for the best beans.